IAFS 2029 Bid Guidelines

Key Dates

2 May 2025                        Letter of intent due

30 June 2025                     Full submissions close (submissions are only accepted if a letter of intent has been submitted by 2 May 2025)

11 July 2025                       Dates and details issued for site visits by the President and Committee

28 May 2026                     Candidate presentations

29 May 2026                     Announcement of incoming President and location of IAFS 2029


Step One – Letter of Intent

A letter of intent for the Presidency and hosting of IAFS 2029 must be submitted by 2 May 2025.
The letter of intent should be addressed to the current President containing:

  • Proposed President with outline of credentials
  • Proposed location of meeting
  • A broad summary of the proposal (maximum of 2 pages)


Step Two – Full Submission

Full submissions close 30 June 2025.
The full submission should contain at least all information as noted below.

  • The credentials and professional qualifications of the candidate for President
  • Letters of support for the proposed meeting location and President
  • Proposed steering committee (optional)
  • The nature and quality of the scientific and social programs including potential themes/ framework/ program outline
  • The proposed venue for the meeting, including local transport options, ease of access to venue and visa requirements
  • Proposed location(s) for the social program
  • The financial and business planning arrangements (see below for some of the details to be included):
    The proposed registration fees including the cost of the Welcome Reception, coffee breaks, lunches and possibly some tours or other social activities
    A “realistic” budget based on a figure of at least 1,000 full registrations, 200 day registrations and 150 accompanying persons
    A summary that shows an estimated average total cost per delegate for five days, including registration, and average cost of meals not included in the registration
  • The ability of the proposed venue and local infrastructure to meet the needs of scientific and social programs
  • Details of accommodation available to delegates including pricing
  • An account of what will be included in the proposed registration fee and proposals for the use of any resultant surplus


Step Three – Candidate Presentations

All candidates will be given the opportunity to present their case for IAFS 2029 to the current President and Council. Presentations will follow the below format:

  • Each candidate will be allocated 30 minutes for the presentation and 20 minutes for questions*
  • A laptop and screen will be provided for the presentation

*Please be aware this timing will be strictly adhered to.

Note: Prospective candidates should be advised that any invitation to review potential venues should be issued to the President who will assign two members of Council (one of whom might be the President) to make the site inspection at the candidate’s expense. Airfare, two or three nights’ accommodation in the proposed Conference hotel, and meals during the visit should be all that is included.

All letters of intent and submissions should be emailed to secretariat@iafs2026.com
A confirmation email will be sent once the submission has been received.